19 Jul 2024

Rapunzel, lass dein Haar herunter! | Brüder Grimm | Bohem Press GmbH

Rapunzel has been published by many publishers, with different illustrators providing their take on this fairytale.

Reading Rapunzel as a young child, my attention was solely taken away by the long hair, thinking how much shampoo and hairdrying it must take for Rapunzel to keep her hair clean.

Reading Rapunzel again when I am much older now threw up quite a few surprising (and perhaps uncomfortable) themes that would have been oblivious to a child.  Perhaps Rapunzel is not so much a tale for children as it is a story used to communicate certain ideals during the middle ages.  And of course, I never knew that Rapunzel is the name of a vegetable.

This version of Rapunzel published by Bohem Press is illustrated by Francesca Dell'Orto.

Her style is distinctively lavish, as can been seen from the central extended 4-page spread below.  The colour palate tended to be sepia-tinted, and for a children's book, I was quite surprised by Bohem Press' choice.  

Or perhaps illustrations in children's books are no longer the impossibly riot of colours that used to be.

  • herunterlassen: to lower/let down
  • prächtig: splendid/magnificent
  • gehören: to belong to sb
  • wagen: to venture into
  • hineingehen: to enter
  • die Rapunzel, -n: lamb's lettuce
  • die Begierde, -n: desire
  • kaum: hardly/scarcely
  • zügeln: to curb stg
  • ahnen: to have misgivings
  • der Genuss, Genüsse: enjoyment
  • elend: miserable
  • daniederlegen: to be depressed
  • vergeben: to conceal sb/stg from sb
  • ausstechen: to dig out
  • die Eile, -: haste
  • fortan: henceforth
  • erkennen: to recognize
  • überwinden: to overcome stg
  • erschreken: to give sb a fright
  • gewaltig: enormous
  • wagen: to dare to do stg
  • das Gelust, -e: craving
  • der Zustand, -stände: condition
  • abschlagen: to deny sb stg
  • die Gnade, -n: favour
  • ergehen: to endure stg
  • dafür: in return
  • versprechen: to promise stg
  • erscheinen: to appear
  • sogleich: sofort
  • sperren: to lock sb up in stg
  • aufweisen: to contain stg
  • losbinden: to untie stg from stg
  • der Zopf, -Zöpfe: plait
  • herabfallen: to fall down
  • hinaugsteigen: to climb up
  • zutragen: to happen
  • der Gesang, Gesänge: song, singing
  • stillhalten: to keep/stay still
  • lauschen: to listen/evesdrop
  • jedoch: however
  • Herz rühren: to touch sb's heart
  • die Ferne, -n: distance
  • herablassen: to let down/lower
  • fortgehen: to leave
  • der Strang, Stränge: rope
  • die Seide, -n: silk
  • die Leiter, -n: ladder
  • flechten: to plait/weave
  • irgendwann: sometime
  • unschuldig: innocent
  • ergreifen: to grab stg
  • ratsch: rip
  • verbannen: to exile/banish sb to somewhere
  • einsame: lonely/remote
  • der Jammer, -: misery/sorrow
  • das Elend, -: misery
  • denselben: the same
  • verstoßen: to expel
  • höhnisch: scornful/mocking
  • auskratzen: to scrape out
  • die Verzweiflung, -: desparation
  • benetzen: to moisten stg with stg

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