26 Feb 2025

Heartland Hotel Fox Glacier [New Zealand]

I had a feeling of being back in a Foss hotel when I saw the single beds in Heartlad Hotel Fox Glacier.  I remembered the narrow beds and the worry of rolling off the bed while asleep.  The same feeling came back.

Hotels in New Zealand are surprisingly generous with pillows compared to Japanese business hotels, where there is usually only one pillow, unless one stays in an international hotel.

I also discovered that New Zealand hotels are very generous with the tea and coffee options offered in the rooms, there is also powered chocolate!

The room at Heartland Hotel Fox Glacier is quite liveable, with a two-door wardrobe and a shoe rack beneath the luggage rack, and more than ample space to spread out toiletries.

The bathroom is also amply sized with a rack for handtowel next to the sink.  However, it is odd that shower stalls have no doors, so water constantly splashes out.

The original building of the Heartland Hotel Fox Glacier looks historical, and I'm guessing that this was how the hotel looked like at its opening.

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