30 Oct 2023

Meine Omi, Die Wörter und Ich | Nikola Huppertz | Tulipan Verlag

If I was still a toddler, I would most certainly not have picked Meine Omi to read.  The illustrations are decidedly bi-colour with varying shades of orange and blue and there are too many unusual words in the story for a toddler to understand it easily.  There is also a sad component in the story where Omi seems to succumb to dementia and unable to remember new words that her grandson taught her.  This was quite subtle in the story and probably would only make sense to a much much much older reader like an adult.

Nevertheless, Meine Omi is a good read and I just have to have a list here to translate some of the big words that Omi taught her grandson.

Deutsch - English

Tiefseekabel - Deep sea cable

Kommandokapsel - Command pod

Froschlaich - Frog spawn

Firlefanz - Goofy behaviour

Springteufel - Jack-in-the-box

Panzerkette - Curb chain

Wetterleuchten - Sheet lightning

Augenstern - Apple of the eye

Quallenschlacht - Jellyfish battle

Eiterbeule - Abscess

Bandwurmlarve - Tapeworm lava

Stoßseufzer - Deep sigh

Tränenschleier - Veil of tears

Schneckenhaus - Snail shell

Schiffbruch - Shipwreck

Gewitternacht - Night of thunderstorm

Zähneklappern - Chattering teeth

Sternschnuppe - Shooting star

Wundertüte - Pinata

Schabernack - Prank

Tunichtgut - Good-for-nothing

Seifenschaum - Soapfoam

Glowboard - Light-up sensory toy

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