2 Aug 2023

The Little Book of Philosophy | DK


I had always thought of DK as a publisher of travel guides, because those were the only books published by DK that I read, until I came across The Little Book of Philosophy recently.  And I realised that even on philosophy, The Little Book of isn't the only philosophy-related book published by DK.  And DK really is a reliable publisher of good quality books with sensible layout and good illustrations.

But I am happy to have found The Little Book of, and thought it was a great introduction into philosophy, and for me, a precursor into psychology, because it seems like many psychology theories were developed from philosophy.  

I wasn't able to sign up for the philosophy classes due to scheduling conflicts with another class, so it had always been a tiny regret.

The Little Book of Philosophy alleviated that tiny regret to a certain extent, with a engaging style of explaining each philosopher's belief and how one philosopher's thoughts might have fed into another many generations later.  The layout is also clean and stylish.

I felt this was a good 101 self-read class.  While some of the concepts are rather iffy after one single reading of this book, I feel it puts me in a better stead to read The Little Book of Psychology.  The psychology textbook I used was good, but some concepts were rather iffy, probably because I did not read any philosophy prior to Psychology class and for some sections, the dots couldn't connect.

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