25 Nov 2013

The 21 Indispensible Qualities of a Leader | Vision

21. Vision: You can seize only what you can see

In slightly over one page, Maxwell’s model of vision Walt Disney had taken his vision of an amusement park to fruition. He guided readers to improve their visions by: measuring oneself, writing it down and doing a gut check. This chapter was concluded by Robert Woodruff, whose vision was to have every person in the world to have tasted Coca-Cola.

Webster’s definition

a thought, concept, or object formed by the imagination

My thoughts

None of Webster’s definitions of “vision” seems familiar to me in the vision-mission-goal that graces companies’ corporate profile webpages. Probably, visionary leaders can see beyond current murkiness to the shiny bright future of whatever lays ahead and work towards this attractive goal. How is Robert Woodruff wanting every person in the world to have tasted Coca-Cola a vision? That’s not exactly in imagination territory is it? Every person in the world can taste Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola just needs to provide every single person with a sample of it – FOC! Voila! Vision accomplished.

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