Annettes Heft
5 Mar 2025
4 Mar 2025
The Valley of Fear | Arthur Conan Doyle | Penguin English Library
The Valley of Fear is an interesting read, where the plot expands beyond Victorian England and started in America, citing a real detective agency Pinkerton during the American Civil War, where a detective infiltrated a trade union functioning as a front for a gang of criminals. This plot is entirely transplantable into a movie set in today.
It seems from this story that Doyle has more pride of England compared to America since the detective had to leave America altogether to restart his life in England, when perhaps there might have been a greater outflow of population from England to America during that period.
The illustration on the cover depicted fired sawed-off shotguns, which initially I had no idea what those black sticks with orange flares were...
28 Feb 2025
26 Feb 2025
Heartland Hotel Fox Glacier [New Zealand]
I had a feeling of being back in a Foss hotel when I saw the single beds in Heartlad Hotel Fox Glacier. I remembered the narrow beds and the worry of rolling off the bed while asleep. The same feeling came back.
Hotels in New Zealand are surprisingly generous with pillows compared to Japanese business hotels, where there is usually only one pillow, unless one stays in an international hotel.
The room at Heartland Hotel Fox Glacier is quite liveable, with a two-door wardrobe and a shoe rack beneath the luggage rack, and more than ample space to spread out toiletries.
25 Feb 2025
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle | Penguin Classics
22 Feb 2025
Sudima Hotels Auckland City [New Zealand]
スディマブランドのホテルについては聞いたことがありません。 どうやら、このホテルは比較的新しく、ニュージーランドで他のホテルも運営している HIND Management によって所有および管理されているようです。オークランドのホテルは、奇妙に急なウェルズリー ストリートの隣に位置し、クイーンズ ストリートまでは徒歩 10 分という奇妙な場所にあります。
20 Feb 2025
18 Feb 2025
A Study in Scarlet | Arthur Conan Doyle | Penguin Classics
Evidently I am not much of a Sherlock Holmes fan, for I was not even aware that A Study In Scarlet is the first story in which Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were first introduced to the world.
The title itself, is provocative and perhaps indicative of the power of sensationalism to sell books in the Victorian era.
The plot is easy to follow and written in an engaging style even for today's readers. No surprises there that Sherlock Holmes continues to be adapted for movies a century later. Holmes has to be the equivalent, or rather predecessor of today's crime dramas-movies, with his methodological deductive reasonings. Today's detectives would have a far wider array of tools to deploy thanks to technological advancement.
I could not help but feel that Coyle had split what is in fact one character into Holmes and Watson, where Watson is the foil that expresses exclamation at Holmes brilliance. Watson is asked by Holmes to accompany him on his cases as a help, although it felt more like Watson is more of a narrator and spectator.
A Study in Scarlet also introduces a group of boys who are paid by Holmes to tail or watch suspects for him. Doyle never dwelled on the harsh realities experienced by street children during Victorian era. But then again, it isn't exactly fair to use today's lens to view times past.
14 Feb 2025
Copthorne Hotel Greymouth [New Zealand]
コプソーン ホテル グレイマウスは、ニュージーランド南島の西海岸にあるミレニアム ホテル アンド リゾーツ グループのコンフォート サブカテゴリーの一部です。
13 Feb 2025
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