26 Dec 2024

エビサンド [洋食]

 今週はエビサンドを2回食べました。 1回目は店内で、もう1回目はテイクアウトでした。




どちらの種類のエビサンドもまた食べたいと思いますが、店内での飲食は持ち帰りの 3 倍の値段がするので、たまにのご褒美になるかもしれません。

21 Dec 2024


自分で、さびしいな! #1

自分で、さびしいな! #2



















16 Dec 2024

Kein Schnaps Für Tamara | Hansjörg Martin | Easy Reader

Der Titel dieses Buches kommt mir seltsam vor, ebenso das Titelbild eines weiblichen Gesichts mit geschlossenen Augen.

Es ist eigentlich ein Krimi und Tamara ist am anfang des Buch schon tot.  Warum ist Tamara tot und wer hat sie getötet?

  • flach: flat
  • bereitstehen: to be ready
  • wach: alert/keen/sharp
  • der Trottel, -: idiot/blockhead

14 Dec 2024

New Pandemics Old Politics | Alex de Waal | Polity

Looking back now, Covid-19 had revived a lot of interest in the Influenza Pandemic of 1918.  It had seemingly taken most of the world unaware - there was no internet back then when news could become viral - and then disappeared without a trace.  There has been quite a number of books written comparing and contrasting how world leaders back then responded to the Influenza and how today's leaders reacted to Covid-19.  Medical science (as we have been taught to believe in schools and through the mass media) had also either progressed a tremedous lot or not prepared us sufficiently for Covid-19 (depending on how one sees it), which is today still around, although Governments have dialed down considerably their responses to it.

New Pandemics Old Politics is one of the books in the English-speaking world that examines how the world has repeatedly used military concepts in its response to pandemics (cholera, Influenza, SARS and now Covid-19) with repeated failures.  In de Waal's opinion, what was achieved was merely stripping the populace of their rights to livelihood and dignity, while not resolving the Pandemic itself.  

De Waal adopts a critical tone and his point of view obviously places the rights and dignity of the populace above the lock-downs and shutdowns that many cities and countries adopted to varying degrees during the early days of the Pandemic while people grapple with fear of the unknown virus and its mortality rate.

Highsight can be frighteningly perfect, and the populace incredibly forgiving or unforgiving of their politicians.  Yet what the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and Covid-19 had proved is that mankind never remembers and can never be adequately prepared for the unknown future.

12 Dec 2024

Major national ethnic races in Myanmar

There are eight offical major national ethnic races in Myanmar, and a set of stamps depicting these races in their traditional costumes were issued to commenerate ASEAN's 52th anniversary in 2019.

The top 2 panels depicted each pair of race standing solemnly while the bottom 2 panels depicted the races in their dance poses.   

I was in Myanmar once, but did not get the chance to visit the Post Office while I was there, so I have never seen stamps from Myanmar before.  This set of stamps is quite fascinating to me, as now that I see the traditional costumes, I think most of the people I saw then were perhaps from the ethnic race Bamar.

9 Dec 2024

Der Fluch der Mumie | R. Böttcher, S. Lang, S. Czarnecki | Cideb

Cideb ist 
ein Verlag, der sich auf abgestufte Lesegeräte spezialisiert hat, die beim Beherrschen von Sprachen wirklich nützlich sind. 

Der Fluch der Mumie ist ein Krimi, der im ägyptischen Museum spielt.

Wie bei allen Lesebüchern mit Selbstachtung gibt es nicht nur die Geschichte selbst, sondern auch andere Abschnitte in diesem Lesebuch, wie eine Einführung in das alte Ägypten und Übungen nach jedem Kapitel in Form von Verständnis und Übungen in Wortschatz, Lesen, Grammatik und Hörverständnis.

Aus Der Fluch der Mumie kann ich ersehen, dass viele Gedanken in die Produktion der Cideb-Grade-Reader geflossen sind, und obwohl das Niveau dieses Buches einfach war, gibt es auch interessante Informationen über Ägypten.

Ich freue mich darauf, andere benotete Leser von Cideb zu lesen.

  • der Wesir, e: vizier
  • das Gesetz, e: law
  • das Vieh: livestock/cattle/animal
  • die Sklaverei, en: slavery
  • der Anführer: leader/commander
  • betreten: to enter stg
  • einzigartig: unique
  • das Vordach, Vordächer: canopy
  • erschlagen: to overwhelm sb
  • der Schimmelpilz, e: mold
  • der Scherz, e: joke