15 Dec 2020

Thai Street Grilled Chicken [お弁当]

 Had a Thai Street Grilled Chicken meal box for lunch.  

The chicken was accompanied by Tom Yam-flavoured pasta, sweet mushrooms and a hanjuku egg.

Quite a mishmash of flavours that I don't know what the meal tried to achieve, other than filling up growling bellies.

I can't differentiate between fettuccine and tagliatelle, so I have no idea what the pasta in the box is.  The Tom Yam flavouring was rather strong, and the heat from the spices soon brought tears to my eyes.  Really wished that there could be some kind of Tom Yam spice retaining the aroma without the heat.  Some people enjoy the thrill of capsaicin.  For me, capsaicin just disables my tastebuds from tasting other flavours in my meal.

I'm not sure why the mushrooms were sweet.  Were they deliberately sweetened to counter the heat from the Tom Yam pasta?  Sure was odd eating sweet mushrooms.  And I was glad I tasted them before the pasta, else I would not have known they were sweet.

The chicken was too chucky and it didn't tasted very grilled (yes the grilled meats I had has now set a pretty high bar for other grilled meats!).

And I don't quite get the hanjuku egg either.  Is the meal trying to be somehow connected to Japan with the hanjuku egg?  I would rather much prefer a sunny-side up.  Or if it wasn't possible to maintain a sunny-side up egg in a meal box, perhaps a plain fried egg would do.

Sometimes, doing less is more.

And oh, I forgot to take a picture of the meal box at the end, but the layer of grease at the bottom told me that there is certainly room to cut down on the oil.

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