20 Nov 2020

Mixed grill [洋食]

Had wanted to dine at this restaurant which specializes in grilled meats.  Business was so good that despite trying to make a reservation on Wednesday for a Saturday lunch, we were unsuccessful, and had to eat at a different restaurant.

Undeterred, and slightly skeptical, we went to check out this restaurant after lunch elsewhere.  Past 2pm, this restaurant was still full.  We decided to make a reservation for a Saturday lunch a month later and was thankfully successful.

Four saturdays later, we arrived at a rather empty restaurant and decided on a mix grill for 2 with beef kebab, chicken kebab and lamp chops with saffron rice.  We also decided on a portion of couscous and the Jordanian dates cake.

The server came with a metal hanger-like thing on which hang a beef kebab (below left), lamp chop (below middle) and chicken kebab (below right) with saffron rice and some salad leaves below.

The server advised us to eat the beef kebab and lamp chops first, as these dry out quicker than the chicken kebab.

I was quite amused at the presentation of the kebab, being so different from how the grilled meats were presented in the Caucasus countries.  From the meat portions, it would seem that lamp chop is the priciest, followed by beef kebab and chicken kebab.

Despite eating rather slowly, by the time we reached the chicken kebab, the meat was still tender and juicy.  Overall the meats were well-marinated and grilled and the lamp chops were the best both of us had had.

I insisted on the couscous as I hadn't been able to find it at eating places since returning from Tunisia.

The restaurant filled up quickly and by the time our Jordanian dates cake arrived, it became difficult to have a conversation at the normal volume  - so glad we had like 30mins of headstart conversing in normal tones.

The cake was surprisingly pricey.  It was a really small portion for the price, but Ramadan is over so there are no dates in the supermarkets and I've long worked my way through the 3kg of dates hand-carried from Tunisia.

While we were there, 2 tables ordered a flaming dessert which didn't seem to fit any of the descriptions of the desserts in the menu.

That would likely mean another trip to this restaurant for the flaming dessert and other grill options!

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