18 Nov 2019

天丼 [日本料理]

I'm not a tempura person, and 天丼 is not something I would order for myself.

Still, I had a 天丼定食recently.

For the amount of food, the price was rather reasonable.

There were, sitting on a rice that was totally hidden beneath, 2 prawns, 2 piece of chicken, mushroom, brinjal, lotus root, pumpkin and egg.  There was also a small serving of delish chawanmushi and limitless pickles.  

I don't understand why the egg had to be tempura-ed.  And I wished, there was tempura of perilla leaves.  That would have cut down the bulkiness of the meal. 

Well, actually if I were to have a don, I would rather a chirashizushi don or kaisen don anytime over a 天丼.

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