16 Nov 2019

牛すきめし [日本料理]

I had wanted to eat gyudon, and there was this little shop serving what I thought was rather overpriced gyudon.  Nevertheless I went to to try this pricer-than-Sukiya gyudon.

Turns out it wasn't just a gyudon.

A small portion of delish chawanmushi was served.  In the little serving, there was chicken and ginko nut and shrimp.  There was also limitless serving of pickles.

In a bowl of warm sticky japanese rice, a good-sized tofu simmered in broth sat on the rice, together with thick glass noodles and some cabbage.

The cook came up with a tray of just-sliced beef and enquired how I wanted it, and then proceeded to cook the beef sukiyaki-style the way I wanted my beef.

Before the cooked beef was poured into my bowl of waiting rice, came a little bowl of onsen egg already cracked that I can break over my gyudon.

Although the price is a little pricey for gyudon, to have it cooked in front of me to the degree of doness I want plus delish chawanmushi, this would be a place I would return for a little pampering of pricer-than-usual gyudon.

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