27 Jul 2013

The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader | Commitment: It separates Doers from Dreamers

3.   Commitment: It separates Doers from Dreamers


According to Maxwell, Michelangelo’s commitment to God provided him with the drive to complete his paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, permanently damaging his eyesight in the process while he painted more than four hundred figures from the book of Genesis over the span of four years.  In this chapter, Maxwell identifies four types of people: cop-outs, holdouts, dropouts and all-outs.  Each type has varying levels of commitment and corresponding achievements.

Webster’s definition

the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled

My thoughts

This is a useful chapter in terms of motivation.  Commitment is one quality everyone could use and should master, not only for leaders. 

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