14 Mar 2015

仙台藩祖 伊達政宗公霊屋 瑞鳳殿

The first time I was in Sendai, in addition to seeing the bust of 鲁迅 in the Sendai University, I also visited 仙台藩祖 伊達政宗公霊屋 瑞鳳殿.

仙台藩祖 伊達政宗公霊屋 瑞鳳殿 is believed to entomb 仙台藩祖伊達政宗公 of the Edo period.  In spite of that, the style of 瑞鳳殿 is in the 桃山 period, which meant splendid colourful figurines decorating the building, which to my untrained eyes reminded me of 日光東照宮.

The entire 仙台藩祖 伊達政宗公霊屋 consisted of the 瑞鳳殿, 感仙殿, 善応殿, 妙雲界廟, 御子様御廟 and 資料館. 

While I saw the first three buildings, I missed out on the fourth and fifth, while the 資料館 helped me understand a little better who 伊達政宗公 was.  I also watched a very interesting documentary in the 資料館 of an archeological Survey carried out on the tomb of 仙台藩祖伊達政宗公.

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