21 Jun 2022


Black Maiden: Chapter Q and Black Maiden: Chapter A were both released in 2019, about 2.5 months apart, where Chapter A was meant to unveil the questions in Chapter Q.  

I skipped Chapter Q and directly watched Chapter A - billed as a horror film.

I'm not so sure about Black Maiden being a horror film, the mood, how colour was rendered and the cryptic way characters speak is quite typical of Japanese horror genre so much so that it does not quite feel horrifying much when I'm constantly anticipating what the characters would do/say next.

Even though Black Maiden is a relatively new movie, the way the director handled the colour of the film, the furnishing, the weirdness of one of the female lead somehow believing whole-heartedly a story from a scroll she read makes it seem as if Black Maiden was set in perhaps the Showa era, instead of current times.

As I didn't watch Chapter Q, I'm not sure where Chapter A filled in the gaps of Chapter Q, but if Chapter A was meant to make Chapter Q clearer, I think it raised more questions.

Watching Chapter A as a standalone film, the plot itself was I have to say, rather bizarre and perhaps incomplete.

So there was a little girl who somehow went berserk and killed her mother and her live-in boyfriend (didn't feel like he was her father though) before putting her broken neck together again.

There was another much older girl, adopted by an old man who tried to abuse her inappropriately and locked her up in a shed when she resisted.  There, she found a shriveled corpse, the scroll and the two bloody masks that set her off in her twisted mind that she had to kill bad people.  Erm, child protection service must be sleeping on their job or are badly corrupted that they would send a teenage girl to be adopted by an old man who lived alone.  And how did the corpse, scroll and masks come to be in the shed?  That is one question that Chapter A did not answer.

Another question that Chapter A did not answer is what exactly the other girl was.  She was able to put her broken neck together again, she didn't seem to die and she could see memories when she touched another person.

Who was the fat lady who came around periodically shouting "Murderer"?

Also, what or who was the child in the red dress wearing a mask that had the power to compel people to do things?  It appeared behind a sliding door holding a crying baby after the adopted girl was killed by the other girl.

Erm, and the Otafuku mask depicts a smiling woman who is supposed to bring happiness and good fortune to her husband.  Why has the mask taken on such a sinister turn here?

I wonder if there might be another chapter to Black Maiden to clear up these questions or if they are meant to be there for the audience to muse about.

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