7 Apr 2020

Circuit Breaker 日記 #1

Circuit Breaker started today, officially, although I've been home-bound since the previous weekend.

I'm not sure if this is going to be a daily update to the Circuit Breaker 日記, but I do hope it is the one and only time I will ever experience this.

I'm not sure if most people are heeding official advisory.

Masked up and went out to buy lunch and encountered quite a few elderly (especially men) who were fearlessly maskless.  Provisions were made to provide everyone with a reuseable mask, so I don't know why these people are so fearless.  Granted the reuseable mask was uncomfortable, but given the increasing evidence of asymptotic transmission, should we err on the side of caution?

From my window, I still see people walking on the pathways, both masked and maskless, and quite a few vehicles in addition to the officially sanctioned public transport.

There was news that the Circuit Breaker could be extended if the situation does not improve, and I hope it does.  Because the increasing number of cases makes people weary, and I'm sure the healthcare workers must be getting increasingly exhausted, both physically and psychologically.

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