1 Jun 2019

Not as good reviewed

Sometimes when I chanced upon a food outlet or foodstall that had received positive reviews in the media, should the queue not be soul-sapping, I am often willing to try the food.

Whereupon I chanced recently on a foodstall that a foodie (consultant-blogger-heritage food champion) had raved about in a newspaper article.  There was a lady in front of me, so I had the time to read the newspaper cutting stuck to the front of the stall where the foodie described the skies opening for him when he tasted the food.

Expectations raised, I started eating.  No, the skies did not opened for me, neither did the skies closed for me either.  I didn't think the dish was as gushingly good as the foodie thought, or perhaps my tastebuds aren't as refined as his, but I was thankful indeed that the dish was as he described not too salty.  In fact the foodie had suggested the cook increase the saltiness of the dish.  Was für ein sodium-inducing heart attack!

I would most likely not eat from that stall again.  But then again, I have often felt letdown after tasting food that attracted rave reviews from bloggers.  Perhaps the larger the expectations, the larger the disappointment.

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