4 Aug 2018

Miracle in Cell No. 7 7번방의 선물

Miracle in Cell No.7 is a 2013 South Korean movie starring Ryu Seung-ryong that while is heart-warming, beggers belief at every turn in the movie.

Ryu's character, a mentally-challenged man, was wrongly accussed of molesting and killing the Police Commissioner's daughter and hanged for his crime after his supposed confession.  Many years later, his grown-up daughter, now a lawyer, applied to the court for a retrial of her father's case and won an acquittal.

The Miracle refers to the daughter who was smuggled into the prison cell Ryu's character shared with 5 other prisoners.

The movie was shot in a fairytale-like fashion, with homey prison cells where the toilet even had a door!

Things that beggered belief in the movie:

  • a mentally-challenged man had a daughter and raised her on his meagre salary as a carpark attendant.  The daughter was already in pre-school.  Didn't the neighbours or her teachers raised this to the social workers or relevant authorities who may then provide him with support to raise his daughter_
  • the Police Commissioner's daughter slipped on ice and died.  Ryu's character was seen molesting her, when in fact he was performing CPR.  Taking advantage of his sub-par intellectual ability, the police detectives told Ryu's character to drop his pants when he was brought to the 'crime scene' for a reenactment.  Desperate to return to his young daughter, Ryu's character did has he was told.  That was some awesome detective work there, but I wonder why such scenario kept appearing in Korean drama.  Do we detect a pattern of police work?
  • a young girl was smuggled into a prison again and again before she was discovered.  And when she was, the head warden took charge of her when he realised that Ryu's character was innocent.
Duhness aside, the movie was enjoyable, especially when I could recognize many of the actors who had appeared in other Korean dramas, although I had no idea what their names were.

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