18 Apr 2013

Pizza at Mad About Garlic [洋食]

There is a restaurant called Mad About Garlic from South Korea, which is evidently popular with South Koreans overseas, for the tables to my left and right were occupied by young South Koreans happily chatting away in their native languages.  It was like watching a K-drama live, without subtitles to aid comprehension.

I ordered a sausage pizza, and thankfully, it arrived at the table without any overpowering garlicy smell.  The crust was thin and crunchy like a biscuit, which sits better in my stomach compared to thick doughy american versions.  There were prawns and squids as part of the pizza topping as well.

While I had no complaints about the pizza, it wasn't memorable either, and I'm not likely to make a repeat visit there.

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