1 Feb 2013

Myanmar: Bagan

The skies in the photos are a glorious cobalt blue, no?

I kid you not, I did not use any photo-editing software on the photos, they were そのまま。

Sightseeing in Bagan was an interesting experience, not only for the fact that Bagan old city seemed like an open air antique shop (my first reaction to the Cairo National Museum was that GOODNESS! THAT PLACE IS FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH ANTIQUES, and the antiques are not housed behind glass shelves unlike most other museums that I've been to), but that sight seeing was split into two parts.  First, the morning session, followed by lunch.  Then a drive back to the hotel before emerging at 4pm again for the second round of sightseeing.

It could be due to the geographical location, or perhaps due to the season, but cloud cover is a rarity in Bagan (as attested in the photos above), but Bagan is HOT!  Bagan at 9am is at bright and hot as other places at midnoon.  The guide advised us to stay indoors between 1 pm to 4pm and stay out of the sun.  And indeed, I have never been so glad to lounge in an air-conditioned hotel room in the afternoon while on holiday.  It also helps that the hotel room was a really pleasant one.

It was quite funny, but the guide evidently was full of immense pride for Bagan.  Bagan was the ancient capital of the Burma dynasty, and many buildings in Bagan were constructed between 11 to 14th century.  So the guide was busy waving his arms and pointing "this one built in 11th century, that one built in 12th century, overthere that is younger, built in 14th century...."  Of course he was a lot more detailed, but all I heard was a mind-boggling 11th century! 12th century! 13th century!  You must understand that for me, even events happening at World War One are considered really really ancient to me, what more 11th century! 12th century! 13th century!

And then, of course the guide was most proud of the Shwezigon pagoda. (I really like that photo!)

More about the ancient and hot Bagan in another post.

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